December 9th, 2010

Out now: Gekkie, het lopende stoeltje, by Cor den Dulk.

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Gekkie, het lopende stoeltje



Cor den Dulk published thousands of cartoons and illustrations in many magazines, newspapers and books in The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Great-Britain, Germany, United States, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Israel and South-Korea.

He has published seven cartoonbooks including two collections of cartoons for children.
His work was selected/published in several international cartoon festivals and exhibitions.


1990: Beringen, Belgium (Best Cartoonbook Award),
1996: Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2nd Prize Dutch cartoon festival)
1991: Kruishoutem, Belgium
1993: Knokke-Heist, Belgium
1991-92-93-95: Lisboa, Portugal
1994: Bratislava, Slovakia
1995-96-98: Taejon, South-Korea (1998: 5th Prize)
1997: Haifa, Israel
1999: Ankara, Turkey
2005: Ankara, Turkey


1994: Redu, Belgium, cartoon exhibition 'A Mourir de Lire'
2005: Ankara, Turkey (theme: Cartoons for children)